Home / Research / Publications / Genomic analysis of oesophageal carcinoma (EC) to identify recurrent mutations in histone methyltransferases as a distinctive subset


Genomic analysis of oesophageal carcinoma (EC) to identify recurrent mutations in histone methyltransferases as a distinctive subset

Histone-lysine N-methyltransferase 2 (KMT2) family proteins methylate lysine 4 on the histone H3 tail at important regulatory regions in the genome and thereby impart crucial functions through modulating chromatin structures and DNA accessibility[1], which is associated with tumorigenesis and immune tolerance, indicating its possible correlation with the efficacy of immunotherapy. Recurrent mutations of KMT2 have been identified in EC, but data addressing the molecular features of KMT2 mutated (MT) EC are lacking. We aimed to understand the molecular profile of KMT2-MT EC.

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