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Evaluation of the Genomic and Immune Profile of Patients with Lung Adenosquamous Carcinoma and Association of Response to Treatment


  • Adenosquamous carcinoma (LUAS) is an uncommon histology, accounting for 0.4-4% of lung cancer.
  • LUAS is defined by the WHO as a cancer containing both adenocarcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma components with at least 10% of both.
  • Intratumoral heterogeneity can impact the identification of gene alterations, and lead to diagnostic and treatment challenges. Patients with LUAS, compared to other lung cancer types, have worse prognosis and survival, with more distant metastases and local recurrences.
  • In this study, we evaluated the genomic alterations, PD-L1 status and clinical data of patients with lung adenosquamous cases and compared to patients with lung adenocarcinoma and squamous cell.
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