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Physician Tests

Whole Exome and Whole Transcriptome Sequencing, Plus Protein Analysis and Molecular AI

Caris performs artificial intelligence (AI)-enhanced comprehensive molecular profiling to help healthcare providers make more personalized treatment decisions for their patients. Caris’ industry-leading laboratories help improve the lives of thousands of patients each day through the analysis of DNA and RNA by whole exome and whole transcriptome sequencing (WES/WTS) in tissue or blood, plus immunohistochemistry (IHC) of key proteins in tissue specimens. Caris innovates AI-enabled techbio solutions to provide predictive algorithms that can further characterize certain tumors.

These deep molecular insights into a patient’s cancer help healthcare providers to:

  • NAVIGATE among therapies with potential benefit.
  • IDENTIFY therapies that may not have been considered.
  • DETERMINE drugs unlikely to provide benefit (avoiding unnecessary toxicities and costs).
  • MATCH patients to clinical trials.

Profiling for Therapy Selection & Additional Services

DNA, RNA, Proteins

Solid Tumors


Profiling for Therapy Selection & Additional Services


Solid Tumors


Profiling for Therapy Selection


Solid Tumors


Profiling for Therapy Selection


Solid Tumors


Chemotherapy response predictor for first-line therapy sequencing:

  • (either) FOLFOX+BV followed by FOLFIRI+BV
  • (or) FOLFIRI+BV followed by FOLFOX+BV

Tumor of origin predictor

  • Predicts or confirms likely tumor of origin
  • Compares tumor molecular characteristics against 90+ known tumor types in the Caris database
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