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Caris Target Now™ Data to be Showcased at ASCO 2012

Evidence-Based Molecular Profiling Service to be Featured in Eight Separate Data Presentations

IRVING, TX, May 21, 2012 – Caris Life Sciences, a leading biosciences company focused on enabling precise and personalized healthcare through molecular profiling and blood-based diagnostic services, today announced that eight data presentations on Caris Target Now™, the foremost evidence-based molecular profiling service, will take place next month at the 2012 annual meeting of the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) in Chicago, Ill.

One of the most widely used and innovative theranostic (i.e., therapeutic and diagnostic) tools available to oncologists, Caris Target Now is a service that interrogates a patient’s tumor in all phases of the biologic process. Through analysis with multiple, highly  integrated technology platforms, Caris Target Now provides information that is potentially vital for individualizing therapeutic regimens for cancer patients. By utilizing the latest molecular profiling technologies to determine the biomarkers unique to a patient’s tumor, and by performing an extensive review of clinical literature correlating biomarkers to drug response, Caris Target Now can help illuminate the potential benefit (or lack thereof) of specific agents, and may reveal appropriate treatments not previously considered.
“As more is learned about the roles of various oncogenes, hormones, and proteins in the growth and proliferation of specific tumor types, it becomes increasingly important to individualize anticancer therapy based on the genetic profile of a patient’s tumor,” said Sandeep Reddy, MD, clinical professor of medicine at the David Geffen School of Medicine at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA). “Consequently, tumor-specific genomic sequencing and analysis is quickly becoming the standard of care in oncology, rather than a last-resort option for when all other alternatives have been exhausted. The 2012 ASCO annual meeting therefore marks an important moment in molecular profiling, as eight separate presentations will add to the growing body of data supporting the use of Caris Target Now as a tool to help oncologists make evidence-based decisions for their patients.”
The ASCO meeting will feature the following Caris Target Now data presentations
Saturday, June 2, 2012

  • Abstract 1040, Poster Board #19H: Gargi D. Basu, Anatole Ghazalpour, David Arguello, et al. Frequency of TLE3 over-expression in breast carcinoma subtypes including a large cohort of triple negative patients. McCormick Place S Hall A2, General Poster Session, 8:00 AM – 12:00 PM.
  • Abstract 5523, Poster Board #13: Rebecca Feldman, Ariane Kemkes, Joanne Xiu, et al. Differences in biomarker expression in HNSCC according to p53 status. McCormick Place S102, Poster Discussion Session – Head and Neck Cancer, 8:00 AM – 12:00 PM (discussion: McCormick Place S100a, 12:00 PM –1:00 PM).

Monday, June 4, 2012

  • Abstract 4013, Poster Board #5: Daniel Von Hoff , Ramesh Ramanathan, Doug Evans, et al. Actionable targets in pancreatic cancer detected by immunohistochemistry (IHC), microarray (MA) fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) and mutational analysis. McCormick Place E450a, Poster Discussion Session – Gastrointestinal (Noncolorectal) Cancer, 1:15 PM – 5:15 PM (discussion: McCormick Place E Hall D1, 4:45 PM – 5:45 PM).
  • Abstract 10630, Poster Board #53G: Zoran Gatalica, Kathleen D Danenberg, Matthew Jerome McGinniss, et al. Molecular profiling of uveal melanoma patients. McCormick Place S Hall A2, General Poster Session, 1:15 PM – 5:15 PM.

E-publications on www.jco.org

  • Abstract e15209: Brian Wright, Matthew J. McGinniss, Anatole Ghazalpour, et al. Therapeutic target expression in advanced prostate cancer patients submitted for comprehensive molecular profiling.
  • Abstract e21152: Sheri Sanders, Wendy Schroeder, Alan Wright, Jeff Field. The Caris Registry: Building a biomarker-focused database to advance patient care.
  • Abstract e13571: Erika Fong, Raheela Ashfaq, Richard Blevins, Gargi D Basu, Gilbert Peterson. Differential expression of biomarkers in gastrointestinal versus pulmonary carcinoid tumors.
  • Abstract e20507: Wenhsiang Wen, Sting Chen, Anatole Ghazalpour, Brian Rhees, Matthew J. McGinniss, Zoran Gatalica. Theranostic profiling of Ewing sarcoma (ES) and desmoplastic small round cell tumors (DSRCT).

“The data to be presented at ASCO underscore how biomarkers can clear up much of the ambiguity oncologists face when making treatment decisions,” commented Tom Spalding, group head of oncology at Caris Life Sciences. “By combining state-of-the-art molecular diagnostic and genomic sequencing technologies with a rigorous review of more than 100,000 published manuscripts, we believe Caris Target Now helps to expedite the evolution and accessibility of personalized medicine to cancer patients and their physicians.”

About Caris Life Sciences
Caris Life Sciences is a leading biosciences company focused on developing and delivering innovative molecular diagnostic, prognostic, and theranostic services. The company’s evidence-based molecular profiling service, Caris Target Now™, matches molecular data generated from a patient’s tumor with biomarker/drug associations derived from the world’s leading clinical cancer literature. Caris Target Now uses the most advanced and clinically relevant technologies to provide physicians with information to aid in the selection of personalized cancer treatments more likely to work for each patient. Caris is also developing a series of blood tests based on the company’s proprietary Carisome™ platform — a proprietary, blood-based testing technology for diagnosis, prognosis, and theranosis of cancer and other complex diseases. Through the precise and personalized information provided by technologies like Caris Target Now and Carisome, the company believes that the quality of healthcare can be dramatically improved, while also significantly reducing costs. Headquartered in the Dallas metroplex, Caris Life Sciences offers services throughout the United States, Europe, and other international markets. To learn more, please visit www.carislifesciences.com or www.caristargetnow.com.
Media Inquiries:
Holly Clark
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