Home / Caris Life Sciences Statement for Biden Administration Moonshot

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Caris Life Sciences Statement for Biden Administration Moonshot

At Caris Life Sciences, we join millions of Americans in support of President Biden’s Cancer Moonshot pledge and applaud the mission to accelerate the rate of progress against cancer.

We are aligned with President Biden’s goal to reduce the death rate from cancer by at least 50% over the next 25 years. Through our continued focus on providing physicians and patients the tools and information they need to accurately diagnose and treat cancer, we will continue to bring our boldest thinking and highest urgency to cancer patients.

As a pioneer in precision oncology, we will continue to set the standard for innovation and discovery with the primary goal of extending and saving the lives of cancer patients. Our deep scientific expertise and rigorous testing utilizes broad DNA and RNA sequencing and targeted protein analysis on every tissue or liquid biopsy sample. This unique approach to biomarker analysis advances oncology research, increases disease state understanding, and most importantly, personalizes care to ensure the patient is getting the right treatment, at the right time to fight their cancer.

We are committed to continuously driving innovations for the detection and treatment of cancer, and we believe a cure for cancer is in our reach. We look forward to partnering with the Biden Administration and bipartisan Congressional leaders to improve the experience of patients and families impacted by cancer.

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