Home / Caris Life Sciences Presents Data at 2013 American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) Meeting

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Caris Life Sciences Presents Data at 2013 American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) Meeting

Evidence-Guided Molecular Profiling Services will be featured in three separate data presentations

Irving, Tex., May 29, 2013 — Caris Life Sciences®, a leading biosciences company focused on fulfilling the promise of personalized medicine, today announced that three data presentations on Caris Molecular Intelligence™, the world’s foremost, evidence-guided molecular profiling service, will take place this weekend at the 2013 annual meeting of the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) in Chicago, Ill.

“Molecular profiling can be a critically important tool for oncologists who are navigating potential therapies for patients with aggressive, refractory or rare cancers for whom standard-of-care options may be unclear,” said Les Paul, M.D., M.S., Chief Medical Officer at Caris Life Sciences. “In addition, our services can also be helpful when considering enrollment of a patient in clinical trials.”

Caris Life Sciences’ data presentations at this year’s meeting include:
Saturday, June 1, 2013
Poster Presentation

  • Abstract 2041: Joanne Xiu, Rebecca Anne Feldman-Moreno, David Arguello, et al. Biomarker analysis of glioblastoma and potential implications for therapy. Arlington-Berkley Room, Poster Session S, Hall A2, 8:00-11:45 a.m.

Sunday, June 2, 2013
Oral Presentation – Daniel Von Hoff, M.D., FACP, Physician in Chief and Director of Translational Research at TGEN

  • Abstract 11001: Zoran Gatalica, Sherri Millis, Sting Chen, et al. Integrating molecular profiling into cancer treatment decision making: Experience with over 35,000 cases. E-354B, 8:15 a.m.

Monday, June 3, 2013
Poster Presentation

  • Abstract TPS11123: Gayle S. Jameson, MSN, ACNP-BC, AOCN. A pilot study utilizing molecular profiling to find potential targets and select individualized treatments for patients with metastatic breast cancer. Poster Session S, Hall A2, 1:15 to 5:00 p.m.

As part of Caris’ presence at ASCO this year, a dinner symposium, Changing the Odds: Tumor Profiling for Aggressive and Difficult-to-Treat Tumors, is also planned for Saturday, June 1, 7:00 p.m. This symposium will feature educational presentations by the following medical experts:

  • Apostolia M. Tsimberidou, M.D., Ph.D, The University of Texas, MD Anderson Cancer Center
  • Steven J. Cohen, M.D., Fox Chase Cancer Center
  • Igor Astsaturov, M.D., Fox Chase Cancer Center
  • Sandeep K. Reddy, M.D., Los Alamitos Hematology/Oncology

Caris is a specialty oncology reference laboratory that offers and can perform molecular profiling tests on more than 70 different, clinically relevant analytes, which can be ordered individually or in combination, as deemed medically necessary by the ordering physician.  Testing of multiple clinically relevant analytes in a tumor is typically most applicable for patients with aggressive, rare or refractory cancers where standard-of-care guidelines have been exhausted or are unclear, or where additional clinical trial options are desired.
Caris Molecular Intelligence™ services differentiates itself through the use of multiple evidence-guided profiling technologies — IHC, FISH/CISH, PCR and Next-Generation Sequencing – to provide oncologists with the most relevant, clinically actionable treatment information to help them personalize care for their patients. By identifying the biomarkers unique to a patient’s tumor and performing an extensive review of clinical literature correlating biomarkers to drug response, Caris can help illuminate the potential benefit (or lack thereof) of specific agents, potentially revealing appropriate treatments not previously considered.

About Caris Life Sciences
Caris Life Sciences is a leading biosciences company focused on fulfilling the promise of personalized medicine. This specialty oncology reference laboratory offers more than 70 clinically relevant molecular profiling tests, including its comprehensive Caris’ Molecular Intelligence™ profile. Caris Molecular Intelligence correlates molecular data generated from a patient’s tumor with biomarker/drug associations derived from the world’s leading clinical cancer literature. With nearly 50,000 patients profiled, this service uses the most advanced and clinically-relevant technologies to provide physicians with information to aid in the selection of personalized cancer treatments more likely to work for each patient. Caris is also developing a series of blood tests based on the company’s proprietary Carisome® platform — a blood-based testing technology for diagnosis, prognosis, and theranosis of cancer and other complex diseases. Headquartered in the Dallas metroplex, Caris Life Sciences offers services throughout the United States, Europe, and other international markets. To learn more, please visit www.carislifesciences.com.
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JFK Communications

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