Home / Research / Publications / APC as a high-utility mutational biomarker that may identify subpopulations of patients with mutant RAS/BRAF and right-sided colorectal cancer (CRC) who derive benefit from EGFR inhibitors (EGFRi)


APC as a high-utility mutational biomarker that may identify subpopulations of patients with mutant RAS/BRAF and right-sided colorectal cancer (CRC) who derive benefit from EGFR inhibitors (EGFRi)


  • Cetuximab (CTX) and Panitumumab (PMB) therapies directed at EGFR have been restricted to left-sided CRC harboring wildtype KRAS (KRASWT), limiting their utility.
  • Approximately 50% of mCRC fail to respond to EGFRi, thus identification of predictive biomarkers is an unmet need.
  • Here we evaluate a prespecified 203 gene expression score measuring cetuximab sensitivity (CTX-S) in a large, real-world population of RAS/BRAF mutant vs wild-type and in right- vs left-sided tumors.
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